For decades, youth in the Trout Run area have enjoyed a weeklong day camp at Susque run by the Lewis Township Recreation Commission. Susque staff are thrilled at the opportunity to serve the local community by continuing this tradition.Thanks to a variety of corporate and individual sponsors, Trout Run Day Camp continues to be free for local campers.
Day campers can expect to be challenged to grow in physical skills (swimming, archery, hiking), mentally (crafts, social engagement), and spiritually (chapel, Bible study, Christian counseling staff).
Susque staff have undergone 2 weeks of orientation to care, to the best of their abilities, for the physical, spiritual, and emotional needs of our campers. Any aquatic activity in the pool or creek will be supervised by certified Red Cross lifeguards.
August 19-23, 2024
Open to students entering grades 1-6
Students within Trout Run or the Lewis Township locales
Free (A $20 deposit is required to sign up and hold your camper’s spot. It will be refunded on the first day of camp)

General Camp Information
Before Camp
Acceptance and Participation
- Rules for acceptance and participation in the program are the same for everyone regardless of religion, race, color, or national origin.
- Camp Susque does reserve the right to dismiss any camper who, by administration’s judgment, consistently or grossly violates Camp Susque’s regulations in a manner detrimental to the good or safety of any persons or property.
Waitlist Policy
- If the session you are registering for is full and you desire to place your camper’s name on the waitlist, please complete the application including the payment method and information (if paying by debit/credit or e-check) and submit. This will place your camper on our wait list in the order it was received. No payment will be charged at this time, however, should a spot become available we will notify you. If you accept the position, payment will then be processed.
Cancellation Policy
- All deposits are non-refundable. Cancellations made 7 days prior to the registered camp date allows for a full refund of any monies paid, minus the non-refundable deposit. After that date, all monies paid are non-refundable.
- A health form is required for each camper 2 weeks before their arrival at Susque.
- A camper physical by a physician is not required to attend camp. However, we do recommend having your camper receive a physical within 6 months prior to their time at camp.
- Additional forms may be required depending on the year and session your camper is enrolled. To access these forms, log in to your CampInTouch account.
How Parents & Guardians Can Help Make the Camp Experience Successful
- Speak positively about the camp experience in the months and weeks before your child’s session.
- Avoid imparting a sense of guilt or sadness with statements such as “I’ll be struggling at home without you, but I know you’ll have fun.”
- Affirm for them that you are excited for, and not dreading, their special time away.
- There are many professional resources to assist you and your camper in preparing for camp. For starters, check out the American Camp Association’s “Preparing for Camp” blog post.
Health Care Information
- Susque takes stringent measures to safeguard and protect your camper from accidents or injuries. However, should one occur, our full-time Camp Nurse will assess and care for your camper in our Infirmary.
- Advanced medical care is on-call at all times.
- Health information is confidential and is treated as such to protect the privacy of your camper and your family.
- For more information, visit our Health & Safety page.
Food, Lodging, & Bunk Requests
- Please visit our Food & Lodging page.
No Electronics Policy
- This policy is intended to minimize distractions for all of our campers.
- If an unapproved electronic device is found with your camper, the device will be confiscated until the end of his or her camping session.
- Please help us minimize distractions for our campers by not sending electronic devices to camp.
Contact with your Camper while at Susque
Letters and packages:
- Feel free to send letters and emails to your camper while they are at camp. For Young Explorers, since the time frame is short, you can drop off letters at the Office during check-in to be delivered to your camper throughout his/her four-day stay.
- Packages may also be sent to your child. Food is not allowed in these packages as it is likely to attract wildlife to your camper’s tent or cabin.
- All letters, emails, and packages are delivered at lunch Monday-Friday.
- Send letters and packages to the following address:
- Camper Name
Counselor Name, Cabin/Tent Name
c/o Camp Susque
47 Susque Camp Road
Trout Run, PA 17777
- Camper Name
- Emails should be sent to campermail@susque.org.
- Please place the camper’s name, counselor’s name, & cabin/tent name in the subject line.
- Please do not send attachments. These will not be printed.
- Campers cannot respond to emails.
Phone Calls & Visits:
- For legal and practical reasons, we do not permit campers to make or receive phone calls unless in an emergency.
- If needed, parental concerns can be communicated through our Program Director.
- We do not permit visits to your camper while they are at camp.
Personal Sporting Equipment
- Campers can bring personal sporting equipment such as fishing gear, bows and arrows, and rifles.
- All target sport equipment will be safely locked by camp leadership until needed.
Campers Staying Multiple Weeks
- Campers staying multiple weeks are supervised, fed, and given activities for the hours between sessions on Saturdays. They are also allowed to make phone calls on Saturday between 11-3.
- If you prefer, campers are allowed to return home or go out for a visit for the few hours on Saturday between their sessions. Campers must be signed out when leaving and signed back in upon their return.
- If you would like to come visit your camper at camp during the time between sessions, you may do so with pre-approval from the Program Directors. Meal tickets are available for purchase if you would like to stay for lunch.
- Multi-week campers’ laundry will be done each week by our Support Staff.
After Camp
Lost Items
- We strongly recommend that you clearly label all of your camper’s items with their full name.
- We are unable to return clothing that is left at camp. Clothing that is left behind is washed and donated.
- In the rare event that we can locate a valuable item such as a camera, you must pay the shipping costs to have the item mailed back to you.
Common items left at camp:
- Towels
- Sweatshirts
- Jackets
- Raincoats and ponchos
- Hats
- Swim shoes
- Flashlights
- Cameras
- Books
Food and Lodging
Meals in the dining hall have traditionally been a hallmark of the week for campers, and we aim to keep it that way!
- Campers are served three meals a day and snacks most nights.
- A salad bar is available during lunch.
- During Boys and Girls Camps, your camper will participate in a cookout and eat outside for two of his/her evening meals. One of these meals will be with your camper’s age group area and the other will occur on the much-anticipated Susque Stew night with your camper’s cabin or tent group.
- Susque strives to provide nutritious, desirable meals that keep campers energized throughout the day. We ensure that your camper gets healthy servings of fruits and vegetables throughout the day and stays hydrated. Additionally, we encourage campers to consistently have a full water bottle with them.
Beyond the types of food served, we intentionally use round tables and family-style dining. This is to promote conversation around the table and cabin/tent group bonding. Each cabin or tent group sits together at every meal in the dining hall.
Food Allergies & Dietary Restrictions
Susque handles dozens of food allergies and restrictions every summer. Our Food Service Coordinator has taken the time and initiative to ensure that Susque is able to handle most allergies and preferences, while still ensuring high-quality, filling meals. We strive to ensure that allergies and restrictions are handled in a discrete manner. Often, the camper will receive the same meal as their fellow cabin or tentmates, with substituted items to meet their health needs.
To notify us of your camper’s food allergy or restriction, you will be provided a place on your camper’s health form, due two weeks before your camper’s arrival. Our Food Service Coordinator may call you for further clarification. If something should change after you submit your health form, we request that Susque be notified within two weeks of your camper’s arrival or we cannot guarantee accommodation. Health forms can be accessed by logging into your CampInTouch account.
If you have any questions, feel free to call us (570-998-2151) or email our Food Service Coordinator directly (food@susque.org).
Campers are housed in one of two lodging options: single-story cabins or platform, canvas tents. Each cabin and tent houses 6-8 campers, a counselor, and potentially a Staff-in-Training member. Cabins utilize bunk beds, while tents tend to use single beds. All beds are twin size.
Our cabins and tents are organized into three “areas.” For Boys and Girls camps, these areas are used to provide age group divsion within the camp. Our campers entering grades 3-5 for Boys and Girls camps stay in the Hickory Grove Area, campers entering grades 6-8 stay in the Mountainside area, and campers entering grades 9-11 stay in the Creekside area. Cabin and tent assignments are determined by age and grade at the Program Directors’ discretion.
Each area is serviced with toilet and water facilities. A newly renovated and expanded showerhouse sits on one side of camp and is accessible to all campers. This showerhouse has multiple showers, a separate toilet and sink wing, and extra features such as skylights, tiling, and inlaid sinks.
Bunk Requests
Susque does allow one bunk request per camper to be submitted. Our policy requires that bunk requests must be:
- Made in advance
- Both campers must request each other
- Both campers must be in the same grade-level breakdown (see the 2nd paragraph in “Lodging” above)
Packing List
What to Bring
- Backpack or bag
- Swimsuit* and towel
- Sneakers or sport sandals with strap around heel Flip flops are not acceptable with the exception of use in the pool area +Bible (Susque can provide if needed)
- +Sunblock
- +Re-usable Water Bottle (Can be purchased at Registration)
- +Sweatshirt
- +Rain Jacket or Poncho
- +Sunglasses
- +Hat
- +Extra sneakers
- +Camera (Not phone)
- +Personal reading book
+Can be stored in cubby for the week
*Boys: Loose fitting shorts – Girls: one or two piece that covers the midriff
What Not to Bring
- Flip flops as primary footwear
- Pocketknife
- Clothing that distracts or is in conflict with Susque’s mission
- Cell phone
Health and Safety
Camp Susque is committed to camper safety. To that end, we have set stringent measures in place to guarantee that we have well screened and trained staff. Our activities and facilities are regularly tested and examined. A licensed Nurse is on the property at all times. Meals are concientiously created with nutrition and variety in mind. Food allergies and dietary restrictions are handled in a professional, discrete manner.
For more information, check out the sections below.
Staff Screening
- Camp Susque performs background and sex offender checks on all staff, including year-round, program and support staff.
- Each summer staff member must submit an application and references to be considered. Each staff member is also personally interviewed by either our Director or full-time Program Director.
Staff Training
- All Summer Camp Program Staff are led through an intensive, week-long training program. This training includes practical skills, such as safe firebuilding techniques and how to handle homesick campers, as well as the vision and purpose behind why we do what we do. All trainings are overseen by our year-round leadership.
- All staff are specifically trained on recognizing child abuse and avoiding compromising situations.
- Susque complies with mandated reporting laws to report any suspected abuse to the appropriate agency.
- Every Boys Camp and Girls Camp Counselor is trained in Red Cross First Aid and CPR.
Staff Guidelines & Culture
- Staff and camper interactions are consistently observed throughout the day. In addition, daily staff meetings are held to address any large group dynamics concerns.
- Year-round leadership staff are always involved in each of the Summer Camps, leading or assisting the program, providing oversight and guidance, and handling emergencies.
- Campers are supervised at all times by at least one Counselor.
- Summer Camps have a counselor-to-camper ratio of 1:7. Including year-round leadership and program staff, our staff-to-camper ratio is 1:5 or lower.
- Year-round leadership staff are on the grounds 24/7.
- A health form is due 2 weeks before arrival for each camper. Health forms can be accessed by logging into your CampInTouch account.
- Medical care is provided by a full-time, on-site Camp Nurse. Advanced medical care is on-call at all times.
- If your camper is taking medicine on a regular basis, please note that ALL medicine MUST BE in their original containers, whether prescription or over-the-counter. These medicines must be left with the Camp Nurse upon check-in. The Camp Nurse will dispense it as needed or prescribed.
- Every Boys Camp and Girls Camp Counselor is trained in Red Cross First Aid and CPR.
- Susque is 5 minutes away from the nearest ambulance.
- Susque is 20 minutes away from a trauma facility.
- We have an AED on property and staff are trained specifically how to use it.
- Campers and staff are screened when they arrive for illness.
- Every attempt to notify parents will be made in the event of illness or injury that requires professional care or an extended stay in the Infirmary.
- Camp Susque does not carry medical insurance on campers, therefore any non-covered expenses incurred while at camp will be billed to the parents.
- Our medical policies are endorsed by a professional Medical Doctor.
- We take special care to accommodate most food allergies and dietary preferences. Often, a substitute of the same food other campers are eating is provided.
- We ensure that your camper gets healthy servings of fruits and vegetables through the day.
- We ensure that your camper says hydrated and we encourage campers to consistently have a full water bottle with them.
- Meals are served family-style, with one counselor sitting at every table with the campers.
- Snacks are provided throughout the day.
- Our kitchen is regulated by the Pennsylvania Department of Health in the same manner as public restaurants.
- For more info, see our Food & Lodging page.
- All program equipment is inspected at the beginning of the season and throughout the season before each use.
- Each activity class teacher is specifically trained for his/her activity class, and each is monitored throughout.
- All activities are supervised by staff at all times.
- Each activity must be approved by the full-time Program Director.
- All cabins and tents are equipped with emergency exits. Additionally, all cabins have smoke alarms and fire extinguishers.
- Each tent and cabin has at least one counselor who spends the entire night with the campers.
- Lodging is separated by gender for Young Explorers Camp.
American Camp Association (ACA) Accredited
ACA’s accreditation program helps camps meet the expectations of the industry and parents. Because we are ACA-accredited, we have met over 275 standards relating to program quality and camper/staff health and safety. See more at: https://www.acacamps.org
Financial Aid
Financial Aid is not available for this camp as it is free.
The Trout Run Day Camp is free! However, a $20 deposit is required to register your camper and hold his or her spot. This deposit will be refunded to you on the first day of camp.
Drop-Offs and Pickups
Monday Drop-Off
At drop off Monday morning, plan for 15-20 minutes to check- in your camper. You will be refunded your $20 deposit, review health form with staff, and receive dashboard placards to use during pickup.
Daily Drop-Off
Each morning, campers must be signed in by an adult. Staff will be on hand to direct traffic. Campers should remain in vehicle until staff member comes to the vehicle.
Daily Pickup
Make dashboard placard visible to staff. Your camper will be brought to the vehicle and must be signed-out with staff.
Friday Pickup
Parents and families are invited to a closing program at 4:00 on Friday. The program will feature summary remarks from the camp chaplain, a photo slideshow of the week, and conclude with a hot dog roast over campfire. Camp Susque will provide hotdogs, roasting sticks, beverages, and sides for the meal.
Frequently Asked Questions
How is Camp Susque dealing with COVID regulations?
Camp Susque will follow the best practices, regulations and recommendations of the CDC and government regarding COVID safety. If we are unable to host programs as expected we will cancel or provide an alternative that does meet the current regulations.
Is Camp Susque affiliated with a particular church or denomination?
No. Camp Susque is intentionally a non-denominational camp run by a board of directors.
Is Camp Susque a non-profit?
Yes. We are a not-for-profit 501(c)(3) organization.
How do I register?
To sign up your camper, begin by visiting the homepage of our website and
selecting “Login/Register for Camp” in the top right-hand corner. You’ll then
be redirected to the landing page of our NEW Camper Registration
software, Campwise. Follow the provided options to register your camper
If you are registering:
- a new camper (has never been registered for any session at Camp
Susque), Click “Create New Account” and follow the prompts for each
page. - a returning camper who attended a session BEFORE October 1,
2023 and was not registered for 2023/2024 Winter Camps or Fall
School of Discovery class since then, please call or email the office
for instructions on creating your account in Campwise. - a returning camper who has been here for a session SINCE
October 1, 2023, you will enter your Username and Password you
created when setting up your account in Campwise. Follow the prompts
to register your camper(s).
Please note that a $100 per week, per camper non-refundable, non-transferable deposit must accompany your camper’s application form.
Is the deposit part of the entire cost of camp?
Yes. Once the deposit is paid, your remaining balance is the total cost of that session minus the deposit. (For ex: if your child’s session costs $460, you will pay $100 when you enroll, and owe $360 due upon your camper’s arrival for that session.)
When is my balance due?
Upon check-in for your camper’s session. To expedite your check-in process, however, we suggest you pay it ahead of time.
You can check and pay off your balance by logging in to your CampInTouch account.
What if my child wants to come to a week that is full?
If the session you are registering for is full and you desire to place your camper’s name on the waitlist, please complete the application including the payment method and information (if paying by debit/credit or e-check) and submit. This will place your camper on our wait list in the order it was received. No payment will be charged at this time, however, should a spot become available we will notify you. If you accept the position, payment will then be processed.
What is your cancellation policy?
All deposits are non-refundable. Cancellations made 7 days prior to the registered camp date allows for a full refund of any monies paid, minus the non-refundable deposit. After that date, all monies paid are non-refundable.
What are arrival times?
Young Explorers: 6-7pm on Sunday for boys and 6-7pm Wednesday for girls
Boys and Girls camps: 4-5pm on Saturdays.
Please see our Arriving & Departing Camp tab for more info.
What are departure times?
Closing Program: 9:30AM on the closing Saturday. Parents are encouraged to attend this program.
Pick-up Begins: 10:00AM on the closing Saturday, following dismissal from the closing program.
All campers must be picked up by 11AM.
Please see our Arriving & Departing Camp tab for more info.
What does my camper need to bring?
Please see the packing list tab for more information
Does my camper need a physical to attend?
No. However, we do recommend having your camper receive a physical within 6 months prior to their time at camp.
What medical care is provided at camp?
Medical care is provided by a full-time, on-site Camp Nurse. Advanced medical care is on-call at all times. A Camp Nurse is in charge of dispensing medication.
Please see the Health & Safety tab for more information.
What if my camper has a food allergy or dietary restriction?
Please see the Food & Lodging tab.
Will I get to meet my camper's counselor?
Yes! You will have the opportunity during check-in to escort your camper and his/her belongings to his/her cabin or tent. A brief counselor bio will also be given to you during check-in. Discussion with the counselor is always encouraged. Feel free to ask them questions.
Is Camp Susque going to take good care of my camper?
Yes! We understand the great responsibility that you are passing on to us when you drop off your camper. To that end we have developed stringent safety guidelines as well as staff hiring and training procedures to ensure the best experience possible.
For more information, check out the health and safety tab.
Can my camper stay in the same cabin or tent as his/her friend?
Yes. We allow one “bunk request” per camper. You will have an opportunity to provide this bunk request on your camper’s application.
Our bunk request policy states:
- Bunk requests must be made in advance
- Both campers must request each other
- Both campers must be in the same grade-level breakdown (entering grades 3-5, 6-8, 9-11)
Can I send mail to my camper while at camp?
Sure! Letters, emails, and packages are accepted. We deliver them at lunch from Monday-Friday.
For Young Explorers, since the time frame is short, you can drop off letters at the office during check-in to be delivered to your camper throughout his/her four-day stay.
Send letters & packages to: Camper’s Name, Counselor’s Name, Cabin/Tent Name, c/o Camp Susque, 47 Susque Camp Road, Trout Run, PA 17771
Please do not send food to your camper. The food will likely attract wildlife to your camper’s tent or cabin.
Send emails to: campermail@susque.org. Please include the camper’s name, cabin/tent name, and counselor name in the subject line. We do not print attachments. Campers cannot respond to emails.
Can I call or visit my camper while at camp?
No. For both legal and practical reasons, we do not permit campers to make or receive phone calls or receive visitors, except in emergencies. If needed, parental concerns can be communicated through our Program Director.
Is Financial Aid available?
Yes. Please check out our Financial Aid tab for more information
What if my camper gets homesick?
Susque has intentionally taken time to develop proven homesickness strategies.
Can my camper bring their own sporting equipment (fishing gear, bow, rifle)?
Yes. All target sport equipment will be safely locked by camp leadership until needed.
When will you call me?
We will call if your camper becomes ill enough that they would stay home from school, or if they receive an injury that might require more medical care than our staff can provide. We will also call in the event of a serious behavior problem or homesickness.