47 Susque Camp Road
Trout Run, PA 17771
Camp Susque is located in the village of Trout Run, PA, 18 miles north of Williamsport. Click the map on this page for driving direction or see our general directions below.

Driving Directions
From Williamsport:
- Take US-15N out of Williamsport.
- In about 13 miles, take the PA-14N exit.
- Go through the village of Trout Run.
- In 3 miles, turn right onto Susque Road. It is across from a large sign that says “Camp Susque.”
From the east:
- Take I-80W to exit 212B to merge onto I-180W toward Milton/Muncy.
- Stay on I-180W for 29 miles.
- Keep right at the fork to continue on US-15N.
- In about 13 miles, take the PA-14N exit.
- Go through the village of Trout Run.
- In 3 miles, turn right onto Susque Road. It is across from a large sign that says “Camp Susque.”
From the south:
- Take US-15N through Williamsport.
- Once through Williamsport, continue on US-15N for about 13 miles and take the PA-14N exit.
- Go through the village of Trout Run.
- In 3 miles, turn right onto Susque Road. It is across from a large sign that says “Camp Susque.”
From the west:
- Take I-80E to exit 178 for US-220N toward Lock Haven.
- Stay on US-220N for 31 miles.
- Take exit 29 to merge onto US-15N toward Mansfield.
- In about 13 miles, take the PA-14N exit.
- Go through the village of Trout Run.
- In 3 miles, turn right onto Susque Road. It is across from a large sign that says “Camp Susque.”
From the north:
- Take US-15S.
- Take the PA-14N exit toward Trout Run/Canton.
- Turn right onto PA-14N (signs for Trout Run/Canton).
- Go through the village of Trout Run.
- In 3 miles, turn right onto Susque Road. It is across from a large sign that says “Camp Susque.”